North Korea for decades has been one of the world’s most secretive societies. The country emerged in 1948. The leader of country is Kim Jong-il. The totalitarian state also stands accused of systematic human rights abuse. Ordinary North Koreans caught listening to foreign broadcasts risk harsh punishments, such as forced labour. The totalitarian regime in
North Korea keeps its people in a state of ignorance through tight control of media. Cellular phone access is limited to an internal network. The government enforces loyalty and obedience through its Ministry of People’s Security, which requires citizens to spy on each another, including family members. Anyone who is saying critical to the government is subject of torture, execution, or imprisonment in one of brutal concentration camps .Government maintains ten concentration camps, with a total of between 200.000 and 250.000 prisoners. Despite its small population and dismal budget they claming to have an army of 1.3 million soldiers. During the 1990s, as many as 3.5 million people died of starvation. They use propaganda for the idolisation of Kim Jong II and his father Kim II Sung that includes parades and archival footage form the glorious Korean War. The main theme is ‘Our general is number one’.
Cuba is a totalitarian communist state headed by General Raul Castro.
Cuba’s government controls all aspects of life thought the Communist Party. The government incarcerates people for their peaceful political beliefs or activities. The total number of political prisoners is unknown because the government does not disclose such information and keeps its prisons off-limits to human right organizations. The law does not allow Cuban workers to form and join unions of their choice. Despite the government’s decision to permit Cubans to purchase personal computers, access to the Internet is strictly controlled and given only to those deemed ideologically trustworthy.
The law punishes unauthorized assembly of more than three persons. The government also restricts freedom of movement and prevents some citizens from emigrating because of their political views. The military plays a dominant role in the economy, particularly in tourism, civil aviation, foreign trade, and retail operations issued by other count
The world news on January 28, 2011 were all about how the Egyptian government has ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the Internet in response to civil unrest. Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was president sinca 1981, is one of word’s longest-serving presidents. He has exacerbated economic inequalities, kept most of 80 million people in poverty, abetted brutality and torture by police and in the nation’s prisons. Following a push by the Bush administration 2004 and 2005 to bring democracy to the Middle East, Mubark promised a few reforms and more open elections but people of Egypt were not able to see any democracy .That is why they want new government and new democratic president.
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