Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gandhi non-violence resistance

"Be the change you want to see in the world." --Mohandas Gandhi

Gandhi employed non-cooperation, non-violence and peaceful resistance as his “weapons” in the struggle against the British. In 1908 Gandhi spoke to a crowd of 3.000. Together they protest against an unjust law without guns or rioting. Peaceful they made a difference. Gandhi words and deeds influenced countless other to work toward the goals of freedom and justice through peaceful methods. He believed passive resistance and civil disobedience were most appropriate in India. He urges Indians to boycott British institutions and products, to resign from public office, to withdraw their children from government schools, to refuse to pay taxes, and to forsake British titles and honours. In 1930 Gandhi proclams a new campaign of civil disaobedence and calls upon the Indian poulation to refuse to pay taxes, particularly the tax on salt. The campaign centres on a 400 km marchto the sea between 12 March and 6 April. Thousand follow Gandhi as he walks south from ashram outside Ahmedabad to Dandi. When they arrive they illegally make salt by evaporating seawater. “Let the government then, to carry on its rules, use guns against us, send us to prison, hang us,” Gandhi says during the march. ”But how many can be given  such punishment? Try and calculate how much time it will take of Britishers to hang 300 million of persons.”  Gandhi was the most inspirational leader of the first half of the 20 Century. His advocacy of civil disobedience and non-violent mass protest as the most effective way of achieving social change has instructed freedom movements around the world.  

Three modern day totalitarian countries

North Korea for decades has been one of the world’s most secretive societies. The country emerged in 1948. The leader of country is Kim Jong-il. The totalitarian state also stands accused of systematic human rights abuse. Ordinary North Koreans caught listening to foreign broadcasts risk harsh punishments, such as forced labour. The totalitarian regime in North Korea keeps its people in a state of ignorance through tight control of media. Cellular phone access is limited to an internal network. The government enforces loyalty and obedience through its Ministry of People’s Security, which requires citizens to spy on each another, including family members. Anyone who is saying critical to the government is subject of torture, execution, or imprisonment in one of brutal concentration camps .Government maintains ten concentration camps, with a total of between 200.000 and 250.000 prisoners. Despite its small population and dismal budget they claming to have an army of 1.3 million soldiers. During the 1990s, as many as 3.5 million people died of starvation. They use propaganda for the idolisation of Kim Jong II and his father Kim II Sung that includes parades and archival footage form the glorious Korean War. The main theme is ‘Our general is number one’.

Cuba is a totalitarian communist state headed by General Raul Castro. Cuba’s government controls all aspects of life thought the Communist Party. The government incarcerates people for their peaceful political beliefs or activities. The total number of political prisoners is unknown because the government does not disclose such information and keeps its prisons off-limits to human right organizations. The law does not allow Cuban workers to form and join unions of their choice. Despite the government’s decision to permit Cubans to purchase personal computers, access to the Internet is strictly controlled and given only to those deemed ideologically trustworthy.
The law punishes unauthorized assembly of more than three persons. The government also restricts freedom of movement and prevents some citizens from emigrating because of their political views. The military plays a dominant role in the economy, particularly in tourism, civil aviation, foreign trade, and retail operations issued by other count

The world news on January 28, 2011 were all about how the Egyptian government has ordered service providers to shut down all international connections to the Internet in response to civil unrest. Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was president sinca 1981, is one of word’s longest-serving presidents. He has exacerbated economic inequalities, kept most of 80 million people in poverty, abetted brutality and torture by police and in the nation’s prisons. Following a push by the Bush administration  2004 and 2005 to bring democracy to the Middle East, Mubark promised a few reforms and more open elections but people of Egypt were not able to see any democracy .That is why they want new government and new democratic president.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Four historical totalitarian leaders

Mao Zedong was communist leader. He led People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1976.
Political campaigns led by Mao as the Cultural Revolution are blamed for millions of deaths, causing severe famine and damage to the culture, society and economy of China. Mao’s rule is widely belived to have caused deaths of 40 to 70 million of people. Mao also ordered that each company must have a party branch office with a commissioner as its leader, why will give political instructions. He had absolute power over military force. The Communist Party assumed control of all media in the country and used to promote image of Mao. People were killed selectively because they had wrong class background, because they spoke out or simple because they were not liked.
Vladimir IIyich Lenin was communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917. As leader of the Bolsheviks, he headed Soviet State from 1917 to 1924, he work to create a socialist economic system.
Lenin has shown haw small group of people the Bolsheviks can achive victory over majority. He demonstrated haw human rights might be subordinated to the needs of a single leader and single party. Everything is subject to control, the economy, politics, religion, culture, philosophy, science, history and sport.
Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of Nazi Party and served as head of state from 1934 to 1945.
Hitler had became lieder of a small but growing political party that he took over because he needed a party on his own. They used propaganda, they ware special badges and uniforms they rendered their special solute. Nazi also made appeal to GERMAN YOUTH. He moved quickly to establish a dictatorship. He used terror to given power while maintaining on air legality throughout. In the economy sphere all strikes were made illegal and unions were abolished. The press was fell under total state control. Books were burned, modern art prohibited. The Nazi tolerated privilege and wealth but only when is served the Party.
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee from 1922 to 1953.
Stalin issued the “general party line “anyone why deviated from that line was condemned to either exile or execution – in most cases execution. People went to work one day and simply did not return –they were either killed immediately or send to the Gulag. By 1938 at least one million people were in prison, some 8.5 million been arrested and sent to the Gulag and nearly 800.000 has been executed. Stalin trained officers filled all top-level posts and terror become one of the principal features of the government itself. He saw threats everywhere. He used constant propaganda indoctrination. Party members lectured to workers in factories and present in the filed. Newspapers, films and radio broadcast endless social achievements and capitalist evil. Stalin rely appeared in public but his presence was everywhere portraits, statues, books, films and quotations from his books. Black bread and shabby clothes come to represent the Russia masses. They were constant shortage of food but vodka was always available. Housing was poor and short supply.      

Monday, January 24, 2011

Living In The "Big Brother" Society From 1984

The main character from the video is doing his English project to decide if he could live in Big Brother society.
The project was done in a funny way but idea is the same as 1984 novel, haw would are life look like if we are watch by Big Brother non-stop.The gay from the video lived that life for couple of minutes and he was sick of idea being watch non-stop,haw hard is to live with no privacy at all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get to a discussion group or a forum on 1984 – click and paste 10 questions people ask about this novel here:

What did you guys think of it, do you think that this book relates to today? It reminded me about the idea if the matrix. How something completly controls one's life. What do you think?
Who has read George Orwells' 1984? If you haven't, you should. The things that are going on in this country right now, and the road we are speeding down is described in this book. I hadn't ever read it before but a buddy last week said the comparisons from the book and current events was nothing short of "God Dang Scarey". Guess what, he was right!
How could "1984" by george orwell not be considered a political novel???
1. Who the heck was this O'Brien guy? At first he is on his side and then he tortures him in the Ministry of Love?

2. Was Mr. Charrington always a member of the Thought Police, and was the telescreen always behind the picture?

3. What was the bit about the bullet entering his brain in the last paragraph?
How is this story a warning today about how technology can control us and is it a necessary warning? Best book to compare to 1984?
I was stopped by the Though Police?

. In a well written 100 word(ish) informal piece of writing, tell me why you think that I would choose this novel to be in the Grade 12 class.

Teacher chose this novel to be in Grade 12 class because he want as to get knowledge of one of the greatest novel in past century.The idea that was given by this novel is very important,teacher want as to see that message.He want as to be aware of society we are living today,he want as to see what may happen if we don't use our right for vote and that we need to be more involve in political life in our communities.Novel gives a very scary picture of a life in a society when one man rules, even though the novel was written long time ago that does not mean that something like that can not happen today.He also like as to see haw well witter is using ides and words thought novel.It is a very good book and it deserves to be in the Grade 12 class.